Can a dental hygienist work independent from a dentist?

Yes. Since 2006, the Alberta Health Profession Act allowed registered dental hygienists to provide services and work independently from a dentist. We are also allowed to take x-rays, check teeth and diagnose cavities.

Can I still see my regular dentist and book with an independent hygienist?

Of course! We as hygienists have professional relationships with dentists, periodontists, oral surgeons, orthodontists and other specialists in addition to other healthcare providers. You, as a patient, have a right to chose where you obtain care.

I brush and floss daily, do I still need to see a dental hygienist?

Yes. There are several areas that brushing and flossing are unable to reach adequately, like below the gumline!… I am happy to reach them for you!

Why should I book with an independent hygienist?

Pine Street Dental Hygiene is a home based clinic with one hygienist. You will receive one on one individualized care in a pleasant relaxed atmosphere free from the bustle of a busier office.