Book Your Appointment Today


A professional dental hygiene clinic in Sherwood Heights.

Services provided by a Registered Dental Hygienist.

Flexible hours to suit your busy schedule.

Offering direct billing to most insurance companies.

Accepting the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)

New clients welcome!

What I Do

  • Hygiene Exam

    An examination to determine the health of your mouth, teeth, head, and neck.

  • X-Rays

    Digital images may be obtained to assess bone level and identify tooth decay.

  • Debridement and Scaling

    Removal of calculus and bacteria from above and below the gumline with specialized instruments.

  • Oral Health Instruction

    We weren’t born knowing how to adequately clean our teeth… I can help you get there!

  • Desensitizing

    If your teeth are sensitive I can apply a product to the exposed root area that causes sensitivity to help diminish the pain!

  • Fluoride Treatment

    Varnish that helps re-mineralize the tooth surface.

  • Needle Free Anaesthetic

    Numbs the gum tissue for increased comfort.

  • Happy Visits

    A child’s first visit should be a happy one! This is a “stress free” zone.

  • Insurance Billing

    I bill directly to most insurance companies including CDCP

Let’s get started!

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In case you were wondering...

I am often asked if we re-use instruments or buy new ones for each patient. I clean, disinfect and sterilize instruments between patient use and this is where I do it! I am highly regulated to abide by the best practice for infection prevention and control.

Safety first folks!